Writings & Ruminations

After the Election
After the election, I will get up and go to work. I will work to help women who are incarcerated, on the streets, trafficked, addicted, and searching for hope. No...

I've Heard Her Story Before
Bearing witness means listening to a story again and again. It is seeing the woman in front of you, nodding along as you recognize parts, weeping together, and believing together...

Patchouli Dreams
With long nights falling in the season of epiphany, January is surely the time to celebrate dreams.One of my favorite things is reflecting on my dreams in my early waking...

Sacred Relics
This past summer a new collaboration, The Bethlehem Project, was born between Love Welcomes, Thistle Farms, and the Center for Contemplative Justice. We commissioned three hundred chalices and patens from potters living...

Cloudy Haloes
During monsoon season it rains every day, surrounding the mountains north of Kathmandu in distant cloudy haloes. It is magical seeing Tibetan nuns running through the rain towards their temple...

The Eternal Sundown
I recently returned from two and a half weeks in Africa, visiting and connecting with communities doing justice.

Hope, shiny rocks, and kind strangers
There is a miracle that happens when people offer tiny droplets, bits of rich soil, and seeds of hope. Something stunning begins to grow.

The Divine Spirit of Hope: An Easter Message
Wildflowers are harbingers of spring. Every year, no matter how hard the winter, flowers resurrect.

Grace to Keep Going
I am not sure why exactly, but I knew that grace, like mercy, falls on the just and unjust. I found comfort in changing the phrase so that when I witnessed...

We Can Do Better Than Being Civil
Civility seems like a low bar for our common life together, and yet it also seems that often we can’t even reach that. We struggle to be kind to one...

Beauty & Love in Brokenness
I love stained glass. I love the artistry, the history embedded in small fragments we piece together, and how it calls us into prayer. But when I walked into a...

It's About Friends
It's about friends. I have been thinking a lot about how we have grown Thistle Farms and Thistle Farms Global into a movement for women's freedom. It didn't happen by finding a life coach, a...

The latest incarnation of #metoo unfolded recently at a megachurch in Chicago, and my thoughts have been with the woman who brought her dark secret to light. I am in awe...

I've Been a Beggar Most of My Life
It is a gift in the season of Thanksgiving to show up to wherever you are, with gratitude. It makes all the small irritations fade into sweetness like marshmallows on...

Take Your Shoes Off
I was born barefoot and, God willing, I will die with bare feet. When I read the story of God telling Moses to take off his shoes because he stands...

Beyond Words, Joining with Women in Ukraine
We need to move beyond words and help inspire people to join with the women of Ukraine in shared hope for healing.

The Woman I Am Today
Kristin McWilliams, a talented organizer, leader, wife and mom, reflects in the following blog on her first year as an Executive Assistant to me at Thistle Farms. Read on to...

Midsummer Daydreams
This has been a summer of travel, work, and high altitude dreams. From the Sleeping Giant Volcano in Hawaii, to Porter's Cabin 10,000 feet up in Idaho, to the shrine on the mountain...

The Peace That Passes Understanding: An Easter Message
“Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb...” — John 20:1

A Blessing All Around: Ty's Story
Ty in Manufacturing (Photo Credit: Peggy Napier) I was recently given the assignment to interview one of the amazing survivor leaders at Thistle Farms, and I am so grateful to be...

The Beloved Community
At this time of year we remember those who have paid the way and given their lives to the work of justice like Douglass & Martin Luther King, Jr. Each day...

A Mother's Story from the Ritsona Refugee Camp
Abi, the Director of Thistle Farms Global, just returned from the Syrian Refugee Camp in Ritsona, Greece, where the women of The Welcome Project are still leading with strength, grace, and hope in...

Mark 9:2-9: We hear the story of the Transfiguration twice a year in church. The first is the last Sunday of Epiphany and then again at the feast of the transfiguration...

Be Quiet So That I Can Hear
If you take anything away from this—take this: speak the words of God when you need to. Preach through your deeds. And every now and then, for the love of...