Kristin McWilliams, a talented organizer, leader, wife and mom, reflects in the following blog on her first year as an Executive Assistant to me at Thistle Farms. Read on to learn about why she sees it as a gift and how the work on the #thistleroad helps save lives.
It is about that time! Fall travel is picking up, and Becca and the women of Thistle Farms are in full travel swing. I love working with all of the organizations across the country and planning the amazing trips of the #ThistleRoad. People near and far love Thistle Farms, and they love Becca and the women. How can you not?
I have been working as Becca’s Executive Assistant for a little over a year now. I have planned countless trips, been on the Thistle Road, and managed Becca’s busy calendar. Let me tell you, she is one busy lady! I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world!
Some days, I am really overwhelmed by the amount of work and details that run through my brain, across my desk, and through my email. Some days, I am panicked that I am going to mess something important up; but everyday I am so grateful to have such an amazing boss and wonderful woman to look up to. Everyday, I get to work alongside women who are powerful and strong. Women who keep me grounded and motivated.
From August to November, Becca will be speaking, and Thistle Farms women will be selling at 20 events across the country. Becca will share how Love is the most powerful force for change in the world, and the women standing beside her will be the proof. Thistle Farms home and body products will be sold, and people will not only love our mission, but find out our products are amazing too. Thousands of dollars will be made and go directly back into the program. We can’t do it alone!
The past year of my life has been the the busiest--but most rewarding--time of my life. I have had several jobs in the past, but this one is by far the best I have ever had. I consider it an honor and a privilege to work with one of the most amazing women I have ever known.
Becca Stevens, you are my light. I am so blessed to be a part of your life. Thank you for giving me a chance! I love my work, and I love my community. It is because of the amazing people I am surrounded by daily, that I am the mother, wife, daughter, sister, employee, and woman that I am today.
Thank you Becca, and thank you Thistle Farms for everything!
Many Blessings,