About Becca
Becca balances the practical and divine with an inspirational voice in the huge choir of people championing the work for a more loving, compassionate, and just world.
Fearless of the exponential growth of her work, she challenges social norms and inspires women to step up for each other - with grace, generosity, vitality, spirit, and love.
Becca's joy is to inspire compassion and action.

After the Election
After the election, I will get up and go to work. I will work to help women who are incarcerated, on the streets, trafficked, addicted, and searching for hope. No...

I've Heard Her Story Before
Bearing witness means listening to a story again and again. It is seeing the woman in front of you, nodding along as you recognize parts, weeping together, and believing together...

Patchouli Dreams
With long nights falling in the season of epiphany, January is surely the time to celebrate dreams.One of my favorite things is reflecting on my dreams in my early waking...

Becca's Latest Book
Practically Divine
There is no secret formula to experiencing the sacred in our lives - it just takes practice and practicality.
Signs of love abound everywhere: walking in the woods, in a sacred building, or in a dusty refugee camp.
When we allow ourselves to embrace both ordinary and extraordinary experiences, we can feel the divine anywhere.