Read the Stories

Find Becca's recent newsletters below. Catch up on her life, her thoughts, and news on her travels and justice collaborations. Click on the months below to view the newsletter.


Newsletters are sent once a month.

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June 2024
Blackberries & Thistles

May 2024
Muddy Waters Keep Me Rolling

April 2024
The Way of Love, Life & Crochet

March 2024
Three Mantras for Lent, and
By the Light of the Moon - An Easter Message

February 2024
Feast & Fast

January 2024
Patchouli Dreams

2023 Newsletters

December 2023
Four Simple Words for Advent

November 2023
Celebrating the Small Things: The Women of Thistle Farms Give Thanks

October 2023
Sacred Relics: The Bethlehem Project

September 2023
Cloudy Halos: Visiting Nepal

August 2023
The Eternal Sundown: My Trip to Africa

June 2023
Hope, Shiny Rocks & Kind Strangers

May 2023
Spreading Love: Why I Write This Newsletter

April 2023
The Divine Spirit of Hope

March 2023
Temptations, Lattes & Grace

February 2023
I've Heard Her Story Before: Stories of Sisterhood

January 2023

2022 Newsletters

December 2022
New Visions of Christmastide

November 2022
A Thanksgiving Walk

October 2022
Love and Life On the Road

September 2022
Beyond Words: Joining with Women in Ukraine

June 2022
Love Rises & Lost Earrings 

May 2022
Our Means of Grace 

April 2022
Take Your Shoes Off

March 2022
Defiant Hope

February 2022
In the Face of Stress

January 2022
Visions of Dandelions

2021 Newsletters

December 2021
What Child is This

November 2021
I Have Been a Beggar Most of My Life

October 2021
Let's Be Brave 

September 2021
The Joy of Nothing

August 2021
Taking Flight

July 2021
Family Vacations & a Goldfish

June 2021
Hallelujah Hallelujah

May 2021
Honoring Some Good Men

April 2021
Digging Deeper

March 2021
The Gifts of Wilderness

February 2021
Why I Love Remnants

January 2021
Newsletter Introduction